It’s going to be very difficult for any left of center individual to listen to TC without tearing out their eyeballs and ripping off their ear piercings.

Me, just this afternoon had to lose my shît at Jake Trapper telling his viewers and mostly us, that the President and his followers need to accept the mandate and start moving past this stolen election rhetoric.

Are you fûck’n kidding me? After 4 years of the Leftist media supercharging their diluted and misguided spawns of syphilis infected whores, who cried buckets of tears, while calls for impeachment, collusion, theft, rape, bigotry, racism, and everything else they imagined to salvage any shîtty little excuse of the huge loss for Hillary and them.

Give me a fûck’n break...They can sit on their dil-dos and wait for the DOJ to peel the onion and maybe, just maybe, they will once again find tears rolling down their fück’n faces.

Eat shît all you losers from 2016!

Beav out 🖕🏾😎🖕🏾

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”