Originally Posted by irfubar
Our resident leftist have been very active lately. They seem to be taking a victory lap. Unfortunately it usually devolves into name calling. So I would like to offer a challenge and see if we can rise above the discourse.
Tucker Carlson has become a clear voice for many on the right. Being a professional orator he can communicate in a clear and concise manner. I know many leftist like and trust their chosen news sources, I would like to invite them to watch Tucker, consider what he says and lets have a conversation.
This latest episodes represents what many of us are feeling. So this is a chance for meaningful discussion.
Tonight's episode link


I doubt you'll find any leftist that want to have a conversation that involves truth or civility. They accuse us of being intolerant but it is them that are. Any that I have ever engaged can't deal with facts or even explain why they support what they do. It is an absolute waste of time.