Originally Posted by Western_Juniper
How does the 6x42 compare? I have my eye on that one for an old pre-64 Mdl 70 for pronghorn hunting. I'm torn between the simplicity and classic style versus spending a lot more for the best optics. I won't dial on this rifle, so all I care about are the optics. It's sort of a strange dilemma because I'll either like the FX3 better than anything or I'll end up spending a lot more for a S+B Klassik or Swarovski variable and making it "un-American."

I am curious as well? I am building out a Ruger #1 in a swift for coyote control. I want decent clarity to 500 yards, set the scope up on the range and never touch the dials again. I can adjust for distance “manually” in the field as I always have.
For those who own and use the FX3 6x42 your thoughts?


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.