Originally Posted by J23
Originally Posted by KFWA
every day I read this stuff

I'd tell whoever these people filling up the airwaves with their breaking news, less talk, more action.

Trey Gowdy and Sean Hannity already have the breaking news but nothing happens market cornered.

Seems that way doesn't it. Every week for the past six months or more, there has been a new breaking story of fraud, corruption, or outright criminal activity by Biden and/or his kid.

...yet zero action, aside from his election "victory."

Originally Posted by steve4102
Where are the Watermarked ballots

Remember this entire election was a military run sting operation

Yeah, that farse petered out rather quickly, didn't it? As will this Dominion Server thing.

It's no different than the evidence that Hunter, through his cute little investment firm, was making millions in China using daddy's connections and influence....

...and Hunter's Laptop full of evidence of his and daddy's wrongdoing, not to mention kiddy porn including his own niece. Crickets on that one too.

...and Burisma.

...Bill Clinton (and others) having pedophile orgies on some island.

...the missing FBI text messages.

...the proof of FISA abuses.

...the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS scandal.

....and Uranium One.

...and Fast and Furious.

Seeing a pattern here?

Aside from these "bombshells" being reported, nothing ever happens. Noone is ever charged, much less convicted. And noone EVER goes to prison.

These bombshells are nothing more than scraps to drop down to us unimportant peons to offer the illusion of hope of justice being served.

How many times do people have to be duped before they figure out that its all bullchit?

I said this from the beginning. each day that goes by and nothing happens puts biden on more solid ground. the elites NEVER even get charged never mind go to jail but us peons get seat belt brake light inspection tickets. doing only a 95% stop at a stop sign etc. that is what really gets to me