I think I just spent the best half hour of 2020 reading this story. It reminded me I have been remiss in frequenting other forums beside "Hunters Campfire" paying attention to the politics and getting pizzed at the trolls. It also reminded me of what a great place the site us because of the character of the men who visit.
It's been 14 years since I stumbled onto this site looking for information and finding so many willing to help. It became my "go to" morning wake up before the first work email was opened so I could start my day in a decent mood. At 68 it also reminded me of how quickly time passes, the friends I've made here and the ones that have left this life. I looked forward to Micky Coleman's "My first hummer" thread every year and how I thought he might be referring to something other than birds the first time I saw it.
2020 has been a chit year for most of us and the election hanging like it is has had me wondering if stories like this will be possible for my son to tell or even read. But if we are to prevail it will be because of men like the ones telling, reading and living the stories I've read here for 14 years.
I grew up in NE Ohio in a blue collar house with four step bothers, all ball busters but none of them a match for some here, but that part of here makes this place like home to me. It's also the part of life that is missing today because of PC and the nonsense it harbors. Sorry to have rambled but that is what old farts do when something touches a nerve. And before anyone can beat me to it I say, Thank you all and GFY.

Never try to teach a pig to sing...
...it wastes your time and annoys the pig!