The destruction began a hundred years ago. Technology. Recording, radio, movies. Then television. Nothing bad in and of themselves, but these technologies very quickly were bought up by a certain self-chosen group of people. They told us what was "popular". They twisted society to follow the "pop culture" that they created. Music and other things that were designed to create a break between young people and their parents. "Art is not a mirror to reflect society, it is a hammer with which to shape it."

I hear people today say how every generation is different from the one before and it's always been that way... no it hasn't. Prior to "pop culture", children grew up following the footsteps of their parents. They held the same beliefs, they worked in the same careers, and they wanted to raise their children just like their parents did. They respected their heritage, and wanted it to continue. Not anymore. Each succeeding generation has been manipulated to think the previous generation was "square" and "uncool", and they shouldn't be anything like those old fuddy duddies. This is the break. If the children don't care about their parents generation, they definitely don't care about their grandparents' generation, and they don't care about their history, and they don't care about their heritage. And if they don't care about their heritage, they won't care about their future.

On top of the generational separation, "pop culture" has taught each succeeding generation that anything White is "square" and "uncool" (and now, considered downright evil). They are taught to embrace anything and everything "other"..... primarily black. Jewish and black jazz music was pushed as being "popular"...then the very black-influenced rock and roll, etc. Today, negrophilia infects the whole of society. The break with the past, with our ancestors and with our heritage is now pretty much complete.

The progression of destruction was slow at first, but proceeded with increasing speed as the years passed. The past several years have brought the most dramatic changes. To the point where I just don't recognize anything around me anymore. Even people my own age, that I grew up with have succumbed to it.