A younger person can get hit hard IF, IF, they have asthma or diabetes, have low zinc levels and vitamin D levels. Israel did a very extensive study on Vitamin D levels. They divided the people into 6 groups. Regular Jewish people, men and women, Hasidic Jews, men and women, Arabs living in Israel, men and women. The group that got the most Covid was the Arab women, since they cover up going outside and get very little sun. Vitamin D is produced when you get in the sun a lot. Also, when the people took or had in their system over 7,000 units of Vitamin D. This reduced their chances of getting Covid by 80%. So, I take 10,000 units a day, as well as my heart doctor.

Also, people who are given High doses of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and steroids, get over Covid faster. Don't take over 50 mgs or units of Zinc a day though. People who work outside and get more sun are less likely to get Covid. Around here, blacks get it more than whites, about 2-1. My doctor said they don't produce enough vitamin D in sunlight vs lighter skinned people.

Another interesting study done by Auburn University. They found that people who have more zinc in their nose can smell better. It bonds somehow with the nerve ending receptors. I think it serves two purposes. Smell as well as bonding to invasive viruses to kill them. Add zinc to your supplements as well as vitamin D. Or eat foods high in Vitamin D and zinc. Shellfish such as lobster and crab have zinc in them. Spinich also, as well as some seeds and nuts. Google it.

Another resistant drug is melitonin, the sleep aid. For some reason those who take it at night to help sleep have a 30% less chance of getting Covid. I take one every night even though I really don't need it.

I have asthma, am type II diabetic, had a heart attack 9 years ago, and am on blood pressure meds. All are co-morbidities, so I take all the supplements I can to ward it off. I avoid going out except for Lowe's and grocery shopping. Then I wear a mask and sometimes a shield. Masks are only good for about 30 minutes unless you change them often. So I try to hurry in and hurry out. From what I have read, masks do work, but only for about 30 minutes. If enough covid gets on your mask, some will get through. I use an N-95 and lay it in the dash in the sun for about 30 minutes for UV rays to kill the virus. UV rays will kill covid in about 15 minutes, so I do 30 to be sure. If there is no sun, I don't use that mask for about 3 days. 2 days lying around, and covid dies. We wipe down everything we buy that is brought into the house in our garage with clorox water in a spray bottle. We wash all fruits and veggies in soapy water for at least 2-3 minutes.

So far so good. My wife and I are both retired. We do not see our families either. We are taking all precautions. My wifes brother got it and got pneumonia symptoms but got over it in 3 days with hydroxychloriquine and zinc as he was 69 with diabetes and heart problems. We have a nephew, a son, and grandson who got it, and all got over it in 2 weeks. My son was 39, nephew was 21, grandson was 22. They had no conditions.