Originally Posted by Miss_Lynn
Originally Posted by Jackson_Handy
Help help I have mild flu like symptoms that aren't that bad, WHAT SHALL I DO!?

I got tested Thursday morning, results came back today. I thought I was developing a sinus infection monday, but it moved down into my chest on Wednesday. I've had a mild fever, sore throat, sinus congestion, and a little tightness in my chest.

I'm in my mid 30's, am not overweight, workout and hunt regularly. I have no pre-existing conditions.

Do not fear this [bleep], it's just another cold/flu like illness.

Except for those who die.


Statistically speaking most people have close to a 100% chance of dying at the end of their life anyway.

A couple of local kids died of drugs just yesterday.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.