Ok Gents,,,,, I'm going to weigh-in here with my $.02 worth, as I've had some experience with both a Wheel Gun, -[Revolver]- and a Semi-Auto -[Pistol]-, 1st being a Ruger .22 BearCat, -[Revolver]- that my Granddad bought me in 1963 @ 13yrs old, and yea, I've still got that Ruger,
2nd was a Colt 1911A1 .45 ACP, complements of the USMC, during my stay in VietNam, and yea, I carried a 1911 for awhile after I got back, but after awhile in the field, toting a back-pack, sleeping gear, my Rifle,,,,, etc...... it just got alittle to Dam Heavy,,,, so about in the late 70's early 80's, I started looking for a competent carry side arm,,,,, and it ended up being a revolver, and there were several of varying calibers, and manufactures that came and went, currently I'm sporting a Highly Modified S&W 329PD .44Mag, so now for my answer to this Original Post Question,,,, Neither, Either Design has it's own set of potential problems, and weaknesses,,,, and you need to understand those that are applicable to you...
Yep, in the whole scope of things being what they are,,,, it all comes down to what you are "Familiar" and "Comfortable" with, as well as proper maintenance,,,, as my Granddad always said, that Fire Arm will take care of you, as long as you take care of it,,,,, and yea, it's just that simple.
Lj cool

-[USMC 1st Mar/Div 7th Engineers, VietNam 69-71, Semper-Fi]-