Whatever 270shooter. grin

Here is a 4th source prior to the election showing the testimony in the video you're so proud of is "mistaken", aka bullshit.


More than 3M in Pennsylvania apply for mail-in ballots

By MARC LEVY and MARYCLAIRE DALE October 27, 2020

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A week ahead of the Nov. 3 election, applications in the presidential battleground state of Pennsylvania for mail-in or absentee ballots exceeded 3 million, with Tuesday the last day to request one and legal wrangling creating uncertainty over the deadline to receive them.

State data shows that, of those applications, about 1.9 million, or more than 62%, have been returned to counties.

More than 9 million Pennsylvanians have registered to vote, a record high. If turnout is 70%, which was the rate in 2016′s presidential election in Pennsylvania, that means 6.3 million people will vote.

The majority of people, 1.9 million, applying for mail-in or absentee ballots are Democrats, according to state data. About 760,000 are Republicans and 350,000 are registered independents or third-party voters.

Remember why, specifically, the Bill of Rights was written...remember its purpose. It was written to limit the power of government over the individual.

There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.