The main lesson of the 2020 election is this; there is a club made up of oligarchs, and we're not in it.

They are selected by familial connections or by favored status of the Old Guard. Trump, as long as he was writing checks and staying out of their way, was allowed to rub elbows with the club members. However, he did the unforgivable; he beat them at their own game.

Having done so, he was faced with a three-front battle: the Democrat Establishment that gladly smiled and glad-handed him while he was signing checks made out to them. Once he became POTUS, he had to be made an example to any other interloper that dared try to usurp their power. He also had to fight the Republican Establishment for many of the same reasons. Plus, since many of them are up to their armpits in overseas investments, they saw Trump as a threat to the further accumulation of wealth. Between the two of them, they sought to eliminate the Middle Class and return to a form of Feudalism (see the state of Oregon for an example of the endgame).

And then, there is the media. A collection of mediocres that were more than willing to compromise whatever ethics they might have once possessed in favor of influencing public opinion towards whatever goal they deem fit.

When Trump revised the tax code to eliminate deduction of state income tax from federal income tax, he earned their eternal hatred for costing everyone that lives in NYC or The Beltway hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Meanwhile, the Middle Class enjoyed a brief respite from crippling tax burdens and enormous debt because Trump was bringing jobs back to this country, making us energy independent, and deregulating businesses.

Enter Covid-19; a convenient foil with which to disrupt all of the progress Trump was making. A flu-like virus with a 99.5% survival rate that the media has played up as The Black Death of the 21st Century, thus detroying even more of The Middle Class and allowing petty tyrants even greater control.

Bottom line? Our liberty is an illusion that is allowed to continue only so long as the elites remain in control.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. --H. L. Mencken