Buying, selling or trading firearms over the last 45 years, has enabled me to play with just about everything out there, at least the firearms I wanted to. Had 3 that had much sentiment, and gave those to my son so they stay within the family. Ive owned literally hundreds, hell, Ive owned around 18 AR type rifles over the years, and now, don't own a one.
Like one guy mentioned, it has been like reloading to me, a hobby and I had a ball getting new ones, shooting them, altering, refinishing etc, then traded off or sold, to get another one or two. My old trading partner and I at one time late in the night, had 13 firearms laid out in the gunroom, made a swap, five for eight as I remember.
Are there a few I wish I had back, hell yeah; some really unique ones, custom ones, and very accurate ones. Only reason I'd like em back, is they would be worth a mint in todays world and I could really make some equitable trades or sales in my favor!