Is the Under Armor one this one? UA Hunting boot I don't see one called the deer stalker on their site.

Most of my bird hunting is in moderate or warm weather these days but with our move to NH coming closer at a good rate, grouse in the north woods is certainly my focus! I doubt I'll ever be the hard core bird hunter of my youth chasing pheasants in the midwest regardless of the weather so uninsulated is my preference and just wearing the right socks. I have a pair of uninsulated rubber Cabelas boots that have served me well on a couple of Newfie moose hunts and I love my feet stay warm in them almost regardless of weather but not the greatest for walking on the sides of hills.

Ah well. Will likely take a shot with the Danners and add to a boot collection that my wife already mocks. "you also have two sets of wading boots!" "Well, yes Hon it's like this....." grin

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