There is a picture of one of the Spofford PEEL sight on page 141 of the first edition of 'Old Gun Sights' book, but not the "graduated" one mentioned for the 99.

I did a quick search for any patents by any one named Spofford and for patents assigned to any Spofford and found nothing related to sights. I also searched the US Patent data base for anything classified as a gun sight from 1946 to 1954 looking for the sight shown in the original; post - found nothing.

I used the new Espacenet European patent database to search for Spofford, it has improved greatly in the last couple years -

Go to advanced search and a number of fields pop up, you can search any number of fields from only one or as many as you want to use.
The basic format for the date field is just a 4 digit year or a range like 1949-1955, I am unsure of how to do a specific day.

This database will return foreign patents as well as US. The basic information appears to have been manually entered which allows for better key word searches. A few years ago they had a lot fewer patents loaded, I still have found some patents will not show up in searches but this is mostly older US patents.

Try this - in the date field put in 1880-1934 and for inventor Arthur Savage and click the sign just after the word 'any' a box will pop up with three choices, click on 'all' so it will look for both names in the same patent. You will still get more than just his, his son Arthur J. 's will show up and any Savage with a first or second initial of A.
