Originally Posted by milespatton
Originally Posted by JamesJr
Blackeyed peas are okay, purple hulls are better. We freeze them, and cooking is simple......just add a little butter, sugar, salt and pepper. They go with most anything.

JamesJr is correct about this. Another thing, they are both better picked and stored in the "roasting ear" stage, and not dried. Most people have only eaten black eyed peas that are dried. miles

I don't care for dried peas at all. I guess if I had to eat them, it would be another thing. We find the flavor of the pinkeye purple hulls to be superior to that of the blackeyes, and I haven't eaten blackeye peas in a long time. We pick them while they're still green, when the pods turn purple, shell them, blanch and then freeze. I'll guarantee you that it's some darn good eating.