Originally Posted by jaguartx
...and our America will be history.

Please don't look at America is a static continuity.

America has always been a nation of change, innovation and rebirths.

We are absolutely going through a rebirth now. Been happening a couple of decades for sure. The matter at hand is what does the baby look like in 5 years.

Obama stirred up well settled racial tensions. He did this quite deliberately. He was a pathetic POS but this gave him tremendous power. Power he could never have mustered otherwise.

We will have urban-rural conflicts as we've been having for a while.

Then young old conflicts where grandsons and granddaughters are killing grandfathers and grandmothers.

Poor vs. Rich has gone on since the beginning of America. But they will put a mega fan on it and really flame the fire.

In reality the only thing you can ever do is control yourself and your own actions. Either you go to a peaceful protest as Ballz calls them... or you stay at home with a jar of Vaseline and a high-speed internet connection.

In the same way that people watch car races and anticipate car wrecks... some people attend "peaceful protests"... or go for a car ride ready for whatever might happen.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.