Originally Posted by ChuckKY
Originally Posted by crc1514
Originally Posted by HuntnShoot
I never saw any evidence that the school was open when the "shooting" supposedly occurred. In fact, all the evidence pointed to it being closed due to needing renovation because it didn't meet asbestos requirements. It seems to have been closed for well over a year.

I laugh at all you midwits who make claims about what is real, tossing insults like, "Only an idiot would believe that!" First, what the fuuck does belief have to do with facts? Second, you don't know how to look at evidence and determine if something is factual. Third, I am a certified genius with an IQ well above genius-level. Insult me if you want to, but it's like an actual retard calling me a retard. Endlessly entertaining.

Just as the far right has gone so far right that they’ve become left, you apparently are so “smart” that you’ve become dumb.

How do you even begin to reason with someone this gifted?

With actual reason. Too bad few of you even know what "reason" is.

If a child tells you an outlandish story, full of holes, do you believe it wholeheartedly? When known, repeated and shameless liars tell you a story, do you hold to it like it is reality? When a government full of corrupt individuals that recently passed a law giving themselves permission to lie to and propagandize the citizenry for national defense purposes tells you a story, do you immediately accept it as fact?

You know what finally convinced me regarding Sandy Hook? They forgot the janitorial staff. They created fake teachers and fake students, but they forgot to create a fake janitorial staff, and there was no budget (as in zero dollars allocated anywhere) to janitorial staff or supplies.

If you want to imagine that's all real, that's on you. If you feel like attacking the actual smart guy makes you feel better for being of average intelligence, feel free. I give no fuucks. I don't rely on mediocre people to dictate the world for me. In fact, I only allow people at least as smart as me to influence me, but I still verify everything. I am guessing that most of you verified nothing regarding Sandy Hook, but simply accepted the narrative presented. Because you can't think for yourselves. I see it here all the time. Many "What do WE do?" threads lately, because most of you can't think for yourselves, and can't even make a decision without some collective supporting your decision.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.