My northern MN place is totally off grid. Unless I missed it above the OP is a bit ahead of things. The first step is to go thru your entire place and make a list of everything that requires electricity and how much per day it draws. Everything. That will dictate power sources needed.
Once you have that plus add in a bit extra you’ll know how many batteries needed, how many solar screens needed and what size the screens are.
I run on 10 batteries, 2 380 watt screens, and a large Honda generator when needed. I have not needed the generator yet for regular use, I do use it to run welders etc.
I also run propane but only for the stove, fridge, and backup lighting if needed ( hasn’t happened ).
Propane is a “wet” fuel so I do not run any machinery with it.


A woman's heart is the hardest rock the Almighty has put on this earth and I can find no sign on it.