Originally Posted by Mr_Harry
Really didn’t like the Phys Ed guys/coaches. They were sadistic. Lay Teachers again. They had us do the Marine Physical fitness test, or attempt to. It was worse for some than others. We had this real fat [bleep] Italian kid In our class. Son of a very large and pretty profitable dairy conglomerate at the time and the area. Yeah, milk-fed veal. Future candidate for My 600 lb Life, if he’s still alive... anyway, nice enough kid just disgustingly obese. You didn’t no [bleep] example for this kid to know what he wasn’t capable of, or what it meant to be “morbidity obese”; sure as [bleep] no Marine Physical fitness test. Lard ass couldn’t even sit up, once, from flat on his back. Had to roll over and push himself up. To get up on his feet. But those mofo’s went through the full regimen with him, specifically, and as an example, I front of us the whole class. Both of them straining to lift him up from the waist to the chin-up bar, just so he could wrap his hands around it, then them ‘spotting’ his body weight to display that he wasn’t even capable of suspending even a portion of his own body weight, for a second. The jumps. The whole deal. I felt like killing somebody after that. Either the kid, or myself, or them. It was unnecessary. To the extreme. And I don’t consider myself the sensitive type.

My coach up there that got shot.

He was like that. Thing is, the coach at the time was probably 35 yrs old. He was a lardass too. Sadistic I thought too. Make all the chubby kids take their shirts off during basketball. Play shirts n skins. lol