If I were going to do "beard care" I'd just shave it. Y'all gonna do the topknot, too? Messenger bag/purse?

I keep a full beard down to Adam's apple length year round; maybe longer in hunting season 'cause it's my face mask. People give compliments in public like I'm some kind of fashion plate. No, I just don't like to shave, don't like to wear a face mask hunting, and don't have to kiss the wife as much. Girls have cooties, ya know!

Well, I do make sure to shower early enough before bed so it is completely dry. When you live in the humid South you learn the importance of being dry. Florida like to ate me alive the first few months I lived there. Oh, and get some bug spray on it when in the woods so you don't have things crawling in there. There's your "beard care"!

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s