I have been skinning animals since I was about 7. I am now 65. As a country boy I was skinning things many times a year, not just in hunting seasons. I can't say I have or ever had a "favorite". Any knife that holds a good edge and has a blade from 2" to 4" is about as good for me and any other. I can't count the game I have skinned with pocket knives. In fact, if I were to be able to count them all, I'd bet at least 2/3s of all the animals I ever skinned in my life including cattle were skinned with folding pocket knives. Many years ago I found that having an EZ_Lap was more useful to me than trying to find a "perfect knife"

I like good knives and I have about 2 dz, but none of them are really head and shoulders easier to use than any other. To me the ONE thing I want in a good skinner is edge retention. Blade shape and handles angles and so on seem to make no difference at all to me.