Originally Posted by Ranger99
Why even try some sh*t like that ?
Borrow or rent a proper trailer and chain
the em effer down for the trip and roll on

First time you have to slam on the brakes
with it rigged in the back of the truck it's gone.

Renting a trailer is way cheaper than an attorneys
fee would be to get you out of jail for letting that
heavy blankety blanking thing fly through
somebody's windshield. Last one I went and
picked up was only about an hour away, but
there were no problems because it was
secured to the trailer with chains, and I didn't
lose it and get sued and have to pay shaniqua
for killing one of her 6 welfare beebees

Good Luck

Ratchet straps and bracing, and cushioning.
Counter opposing tied down.
In da bed.

Be GTG....