GeneB, Thank you for your reply and the email reply last night. I looked at the barrel it has rust and pits around that area. I'm not sure the best way to clean it without damaging the stamped info. Jaaack responded he may have one also, he listed his serial number. Is that info helpful to retrieve his model number? I am interested in his parts to possibly put another gun together in the future. I appreciate your knowledge and offer to help. I said before, I really love these little guns, I would love to have several to plink around with. My father passed right before Thanksgiving and left some farmland to the family. I would love to have a bunch of friends up with there kids and have some friendly shooting competition and fellowship!! I have several semi-auto 22's, but just like these pumps. I know its a good entry for kids to learn but its a blast for us older kids as well!!