I must be a right-wing extremist because I believe that Trump (boo, hiss, he's evil) actually did a couple of good things.

What's wrong with lowering everyone's taxes, reversing the paid tax incentive for American companies to move overseas, stopping China from stealing our business secrets, letting non-violent blacks out of jail, expanding aid for black colleges, stopping paying ransom to third world dictatorships that hate us, eliminating inundation by millions of illegal aliens and gangs, making NATO countries pay their fair share, making peace between Arabs and Israel, enforcing laws against rioting and arson, expanding the economy, creating moe jobs for minorities than ever before...I could go on?

Oh yeah, and nobody knows if there is a gun in my house. Or yours. That's the reason criminals don't try to break into yours.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.