Originally Posted by hanco
Would tumbling them with steel pins take the moly off???

I've read all types of recipes and methods for removing moly from bullets all over the internet. Most, like many other things on the internet, were speculation, guesses or "I heard" type stuff. I don't know if any of the magical mystery formulas suggested by others work or not. I don't know if tumbling them with steel pins works or not. From actually doing it myself, I do know one thing that works. I put them, about one hundred at a time, in a tupperware container with a lid with hot water and Bar Keeper's Friend cleaner. As to the amount? I put water such that it was about three times the level of the bullets. As to the Bar Keeper's Friend, I just poured a bunch into it without measuring. I shook them for about a minute and then let them set for about 15 minutes. I poured that filthy liquid out and did it again. Then I rinsed those bullets and left them out to dry. They were pretty clean at that time. I then put them, in batches, into my vibrator case cleaner with walnut media and let each batch vibrate for about two hours. They all came out shiny. So, this is one method that does work.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck