Originally Posted by Greyghost
Some would like to hunt the Black Bear to extinction as was done to the California Grizzly, the wolf and other species in the state. And while the population has been brought back slightly from its lows in the 80's and 90's, its nowhere near where it was historically.


California spans roughly the same length as Philadelphia to Jacksonville Fl. Imagine an area like that's game and wildlife management decisions being managed by the urbanites of Philly. The Southern California urban people like you, Phil, dictating wildlife management in a state that ranges from 14,500 ft to 282 ft below sea level, with the widest variations of climate and ecosystems to be found anywhere in the world. Stunning arrogance and elitism compounded by urban stupidity.You appear to live 600 miles or so south of me, but you know what is best for me, classic urban elite. You liberal urban fools have driven your end of California to 3rd world dysfunctional schidthole in just 2 generations. Congratulations Phil, keep those brilliant ideas coming. This state needs to be split now.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.