Originally Posted by Greyghost
Has everything to do with hunters killing just for the hell of it. One of you mentioned Buffalo, that wasn't hunting, it was just killing for the hell of it. I have nothing against hunting, but don't abide by people that just want to kill anything that walks or fly's just for something to do, or something to hang on a wall.


You ignorant wretch, the comparison had nothing to do with killing the buffalo, it was about restoring them to historical numbers that you pointed out with the bears in California. I can't believe a person could be as stupid as you are and still make it to the post office to get your subsistence check, because you obviously are too stupid to have ever earned any money and yet you can still vote.

You deserve California and California deserves you.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.