So let me get this straight.

Some guy dumped a ton of borrowed Game Stop stock onto the market, intending to artificially deflate the price of said stock. He did this with intent of repurchasing said stock at artificially low value so he could bank a few million.

But a whole bunch of numskulls got together and bought up his Game Stop, and now he has none to buy back to repay his debt. So he has to pay $200 to $400 per share to repurchase what he sold at $20.

And he is losing $Billions. And he is bitching because someone is manipulating the market besides him.

Is that about it?

Apparently there are a lot of guys out there like the one sitting beside me that bought one share of GME when it hit $70. He is laughing his ass off.

So am I, as long as Prudential is not playing such games with my 401K.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.