Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by duck911
What happened this week was, and is frightening how a truly free and open market is supposed to operate without illegal market manipulation by the elite.

It is a shocking wake up call was pure capitalism at its core.


Should be requoted over and over.

Regardless of which conspiracy is popular today. I saw more people involved in the market for the first time than any time I can remember. Unlike many who’ve thrown in the towel after the election the people who surprised me by being in this new group of Investors further surprised me by explaining about a dozen more investments they are grouping together on. 20 year old Plant Technicians and others in similar age/economic status have had a light bulb turned on and I don’t think, I hope they don’t lose their will.

I don’t care if the Redditer’s are far left, far right, or firm mods, the truth is we buy a lot of things that don’t appear to make financial sense. We “invest” in campaigns that might lose short term but do so taking the long view. What happened to this group of investors is beyond criminal and all involved should be seeing prison bars.

I suspect the real fear is if the right protesters and left start aligning for common causes it will be a tidal wave. I suspect politicians know this and that’s why both sides are starting to try and align their message. I’m hopeful it’ll be rejected by the masses.