Get caught with your pants down, I guess that means someone is going to come try to rape your azz.... I'm glad I had plenty stocked up. I'm also glad I know people that have way more than I do. One gentleman is worried he will not be able to shoot all he has before he dies. He said he came to reality. He offered me 3,000 BR2's for $150.00. I said hell yeah, I'll take them!!!! He said, "you don't want to see how much they want for these on gunbroker". I told him, I know what they are asking for them. They can ask all they want, that doesn't mean I'm buying...

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.