Originally Posted by rainshot
It's always been about power and money. He that has the power controls the money. Democrat Marxists have used and abused the black community for generations. They hold them in their grip and control them. The same holds true for the poor white working class as well. Migrants are just another class added to the mix to solidify their power base. They keep the citizenry pitted against each other in order to keep them in line. The media cabal is an incestuous democrat Marxist propaganda arm that re-educates everyone in Marxist doctrine.

Washington and the entire eastern seaboard are employees of the Marxist cabal that holds America hostage. Republican and democrat politicians alike merely want to control the money. Republicans have never truly understood how to wield power when they have it but democrats have it down to an art form. They feverishly work to destroy anyone that poses a threat to their power and authority.

Donald Trump is a huge anomaly and defies all their sordid logic. He was elected to destroy the established power base that has controlled our government for generations. His base cannot be shaken and will not abandon him. They have attacked and attempted to destroy everyone he has been associated with for more than four years to no avail. He mystifies them. They see their power draining away with every attack they make and are powerless to do anything about it. They must have more voters dependent on them for survival in order to keep the power. Like all socialist governments their success will be their damnation but not before destroying the nation.

Good assessment. The power brokers plan on taking down all of America and making us serfs. We are nothing more to them than the ability to get even richer and more powerful.

For liberals and anarchists, power and control is opium, selling envy is the fastest and easiest way to get it. TRR. American conservative. Never trust a white liberal. Malcom X Current NRA member.