Tap water has all kinds of toxins dumped into it and people survive...... until they don't. Could they live longer, healthier lives with better water?

At 40, I felt like I was over 80, whatever that's like.
I eventually got off the city water for drinking and used bottled.....distilled.

Then I drank spring bottled water.

I noticed a remarkable difference between each kind.

The best water for my limited personal experiment was purifying water that contained some minerals from a shallow well . It was rain water/ "distilled" plus the soil minerals. No chlorine, fluoride, or chinese chemicals (100+) were added as were to tap.

That was THE best single source of improvement in my health. My purifier was not a worthless otc Britta either . It was a Royal Berkey. Thousands of gallons later and using good water from the shallow well.

I have/ had friends who have chosen differently.
Some drink pop..... diabetic.
Others drank a little alcohol quite often.....enlarged organs. I said enough, but those are my.personal observations for what worth they are to anyone.

Here's an article about containers too.
That has been a concern to many.


Last edited by Happy_Camper; 02/17/21.