Furniture shopping? One word: microfiber.

My wife thought she needed leather, to keep up with the Jones. It was great high quality leather. I eventually skinned that sucker out and used the hide for many projects.

The ottoman. The kids got home from school a half hour before Momma and I got home from town. They were playing with our female golden retriever in the house and somehow enticed the dog to jump over the ottoman. Doing so, she "spun out " on the ottoman and left a six inch cut through the leather from her toenail. The chair and ottoman were about a month old.

I just simply detest leather upholstery in the living room or in an auto. Bare skin sticks to it. You sweat through a T shirt sitting on it. Outside, it is cold in the winter and gives 2'nd degree burns in the summer.

Microfiber for the win. 20 years of daily use without showing a wear mark. Easily shampooed if the need arises.

Our local family owned furniture store gives lifetime warranty on their products with microfibre coverings.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.