Do not know about that, RC.

I do like and use many of the heat shrink butt splices, but never had one that self solders.

Another automotive product I love, seeing as I am usually driving a rig closing in on 30 years old. I use solder pellets from NAPA to replace battery cable ends. Just cut off the original end behind any corrosion. Put a solder pellet inside a terminal lug. Insert clean bare copper cable. Then heat with a propane torch until the pellet melts.

I have not had one fail yet repaired in this manner. Then I use a battery post to marine adapter on the battery. From that point on, all it takes is a quick turn of a couple wing nuts to release a battery.

This conversion is especially desirable on old Chevys with crappy side connectors.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.