I am right handed and left eye dominant. My Dad is the same, so I learned to shoot as he did, from my left shoulder. I shoot a left hand bow and shoot a shotgun and rifle from the left side as my preference. I have become adept shooting from the right over the years and that works if I close my left eye, but I can only do it at stationary targets. Lots of turkeys seem to sneak in from the “wrong” direction and when hunting a stand I just shoot deer off a particular shoulder based on where the deer comes from. I am certainly more accurate and instinctual shooting using my dominant eye. My son is right handed and “right-eyed” so he is the only shooter in the immediate family who doesn’t shoot what we call “wrong-handed”. LOL

Interestingly, the two guys I hunt with the most besides my dad and son are both lefties but right eye dominant. They shoot right handed. We are thinking about calling our deer hunting place the Wrong Handed Hunt Club!

I say go with the dominant eye, but if they change or develop the ability to shoot either way when they get older, just let that work itself out. The most important thing is to get them shooting! They will figure it out from there.