Originally Posted by Bristoe

I'd like to hear what is going to be done about it.

Not intending offense to you personally... just using your statement as a springboard

America is no longer governed with laws "Of the People, by the people and for the people."

Of course we still have laws and new laws are written daily.

But to assume we are somehow still under the guiding principles that founded this Republic is incorrect.

To be a politician today even at a local level you have to dress the part of a professional actor... and you have to have enough money to pay off the paparazzi.

The 1939 movie Mr Smith Goes to Washington nailed that concept.

To believe our current system can be fixed is much like buying something on eBay or Amazon and expecting it not to be made in China.

The Republic is dead and has been for many many decades. We have lived on the residual wealth and prosperity our forefathers stockpiled.

Donald Trump with a magnificent tire chock to keep the bus from going over the cliff... and I thank him immensely for the effort he took and the assaults he withstood on my behalf.

The proverbial question of what to do now and who will lead us...

I believe people will seek a change once they are desperately poor... starving and being killed by the bushel from the enslavement that will be coming.

Until then... America is a tremendously fatted calf and will support gluttonous living for quite some time...

The problem is that this gluttonous living much like a dead moose... will be feasted upon by the bears first, then the wolves, then the coyotes, then the birds and lastly by the mere mice and bugs.

America is currently in a "K" shaped economic revolution.

This is by design.

Google if you would like to know more about "K shaped economic recovery."

I am no great economist, nor am I a politician... I am just a dumbass architect/engineer.

But I do know... that before any problem can be solved it must be understood clearly and I proper foundation laid.

The laws of physics and the laws of nature cannot be altered.

The Republic is dead and people are going to suffer greatly.

Prepare now.

Never feed a parasite... and act decisively in all matters.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.