Originally Posted by local_dirt
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by ingwe
If you think your Govt. is efficient enough to sift through 423 million form 4473s...to find you....you have more faith in them than I do.
They are very efficient if the IRS is any indication. Leave out a 1099 form for $600 when you fill out your tax or accidently put one digit of an SSN wrong on a 1099 you give a contractor. I've done both and was caught both times.
As to illegal weapons I was told straight up by an assistant U.S. Attorney not to bother with a case of a felon with a firearm. They didn't have the resources to pursue that. Almost a guarantee they will find time and resources to make an example of "hoarders" with "arsenals". That would be someone with 10 guns and 1000 rounds of ammo.

Where'd you learn that? Last DNC meeting?
I learned about what I posted through making two accidental mistakes on my tax filings that were caught by the IRS, and which I corrected when notified. As to my remark about the U.S. Attorney, I was mentioning a good law against felons with guns which they won't prosecute, and I was speculating they would go after decent folks with a few guns and ammo. By the way, I'm not very proud of either Democrats or Republicans.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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