NY has been under such a law requiring background checks for private sales since the "SAFE Act" was passed in the dead of night back in 2013. If you think all firearms transfers in NY since then have actually gone thru a background check, than you must believe that the laws against drug sale and possession in the war on drugs stopped all drug trafficking in this country years ago. This law in NY and the new law if/when passed, is and will be largely unenforceable. Like most illegal drug sales, neither the seller nor buyer is going to report themselves. Unless you sell, lend, or transfer to a complete stranger (and don't be that idiot) that turns out to be an undercover cop, or, you conduct such a transfer with a witness (and don't be that idiot either) your chance of prosecution is near 0. If the police show up at your door, keep your mouth shut (and I mean say absolutely nothing), consent to nothing, ask to see a warrant and then ask to see a lawyer. Unless the police show up at your door to notify you of some tragedy (and hopefully that never happens to you), they are more than likely there to investigate you. Clam up!