Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
The USDA FSA offices are not being overrun with Indians inquiring about loan forgiveness.
They are swamped with white producer bankruptcies.
You're right. And I filled in and ran one of the local farm Co-ops when my brother needed some help and I sold a lot of gas to be put in Cadillac Escalades, Yukons, and big fine dually trucks pulling expensive horses around financed by government USDA welfare by people previously bankrupt and headed in that direction again. Also you should see what their kids drive and the fine schools they get sent to so they can flunk out. This Black farmer give away isn't right but it is a drop in the bucket compared to what White farmers have made off with. Go on the internet and pick out any county in the Midwest, it is amazing the amount of money we have given away to the "family farm".

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."