Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by kamo_gari

Thanks, Barry. I was sure I heard at least three and maybe as many as five but I'm short on coyote fluency. Obviously. wink

We have lots here, and there was a HUGE one out back I did see that I wanted badly to shoot and thought about it, but I'm not trying to have to face a judge over a violation of discharge laws (500' or better from dwelling in use). A few places I fish on the coast there are coyotes that have become seasonal specialists, and learned that when the surf fishermen are working the beach for bass and blues every night's Friday fish night. They'll lay low in the dunes at night, and when Pablo walks his surf rig and his 8 and bait to cast at the waterline, Mr. Coyote shoots out, snatches the bait, bag and all, and hauls ass.

Most I hear and see are in places we can't hunt them (read residential neighborhoods), and the state in its seemingly infinite lack of good sense did away with all traps other than live cage/box Havahart types a number of years ago. No leg holds, no snares, no compression kill sets of any type allowed. Live, 'humane' traps only. One of these days I have to get a caller, use of which is legal here, and have at it. Decoys and bait legal as well, though while hunting at night we are limited to .22LR for rifles and .38 for handguns . 'Can't allow them to suffer! Maximum caliber for coyote night hunting? .22LR!' Unreal.

Leighton, that funny about how they steal the bait like that! laugh

Smart, aren't they?

Seen coyotes prowl the beaches down here for food that washes up.

They've been seen catching spawning suckers in the shallows of the Colorado River in AZ.

They're pretty savvy for sure.

k_g, I've seen them doing the yipping thing near a den site, 1/2 mile away through a spotting scope. Hear them like that most nights around here. As others have mentioned, can be a gathering call at home or out "on the road".

Beware your pups getting up that hill after them. Had a friend's very large German shepherd dog get torn up bad by a pack once. Odds are he was after a female. No doubt in my mind there was a dead 'yote or three by the time he got out of there with his ass handed to him too. Worst looking case of "dog bites" I'd ever seen.

The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men.
In it is contentment
In it is death and all you seek
(Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)

member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?