Originally Posted by stxhunter
Originally Posted by Stophel
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76

That’s a pipe dream that RINOS and commerce Republicans try to sell “the conservative pro family going to vote Republican Latino” it never ever happens in large numbers. If the Republicans say they’ll allow X number of Latinos in the Democrats will just out flank the Republicans and buy votes by offer X number plus 20%.

Latinos on average lack the ability to complete with Caucasians intellectually or culturally for the same jobs as Caucasians and so will always be targeted by the left as votes to be bought and white men to be blamed. Culturally and probably the biggest reason it fails is that when you look across Mexico, Central and South America it’s completely full of people and cultures that know nothing and have never known anything but political corruption from the top down and a government of handouts. There a US commies dream votes.

You can point to a few exceptions that you may know but if all of these Latinos are hardworking god fearing good Catholics why is every single country that they come from a high crime, low trust, economic backwater, politically corrupt, left leaning crap hole?

As far as taking jobs from China and relocating them to Latin America. Why not go one step further and relocate them to the US and create job and wage competition here? We won’t raise tariffs to move the jobs here and we won’t move them to Latin America for the same reason. The globalist monied elites want the jobs in China where China has the low wages AND the supply chain. Latin America doesn’t have the organization to compete with Asia’s supply chain and the US doesn’t have the cheap labor.

Could not have said it better, myself.

It's amazing how so many people want to hold onto the myth that "Hispanics are mostly conservative!".
hispanic is not a race, if they are not black or Asian they are Caucasians

I never said "Hispanic" was a race. And don't confuse Caucasoid with Caucasian. wink