And the oldest of the “media” will still have you believe he and his buds were involved in the biggest most heinous crime against humanity making Hitler and Pol Pot look like common Republican criminals. So really, what’d they do? They ‘snuk’ into a demoroid stink tank where no doubt new ways of making lies believable were being constructed and STOLE DOCUMENTS!! Then Adolph Nixon refused to tell the press everything they wanted to be true. That’s it. That’s all there was. Stolen documents that didn’t mean squat to anybody in the greater scheme. And a President that did what has always and will forever be done. He refused to cooperate with the wombats trying to assassinate him politically and personally. Nixon made some mistakes. But dear God in Heaven, look at the crimes ignored that make the G. Gordon scam look like a........scam. The Magic Negro delivering pallets of US currency to his Muslim allies and the enemies of our nation, the demeaned numbers of high ups known to have frequented Kiddie Island together but never revealed because media was amount them, and now a stolen national, not just Presidential, election with what appears to have off shore involvement. An honest to goodness made for movies thriller that unfortunately has strong evidence of of being anything but fiction. And Liddy was a criminal. laffin. And the media still cries persecution. laffin more.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."