Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by Windfall
Travis has yet to experience pain of the five day hospital bill that the mail man is bringing. Lets see a free to me Pzifer shot that gets billed to my insurance company for $57.00 and a sore arm for a day or a tens of thousands out of pocket to hangout at the hospital for a few days, or worse. Tough call for lots of the Fire guys here evidently.
Or you could take $3 worth of Ivermectin or some other similarly inexpensive, over-the-counter items and get the same effect without an experimental vaccine that depends on aborted fetal tissue for it's development.

www.c19early.com for a list of alternatives.

But I do understand the "Free [bleep] Army" appeal of the vax.

The girlfriend came down sick yesterday. Both of us took ivermectin today just in case...