Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
There are very few gentlemen here. Y'all have driven all females away from this site.

that's generally my experience at many threads - unless its a hookup site (which men are totally different as they are trying to get laid) then my experience has been men don't generally care for a female perspective in their general discussions - or at least they aren't filtered when responding to them.

A man can tell another man to go f' himself , and he's a stupid bastard online and generally they get past it, or not, but everyone is thick skinned enough to stick around, but you do that to a woman, even online and its a different set of rules, most of the time, again, from my experience, with the end result is the woman doesn't stick around.

So, you're saying a woman that doesn't hunt or shoot, hanging around a predominantly male forum related to hunting and shooting, is likely gonna end with drama, hurt feelings, and a departure when she's treated the same way guys treat each other?!?!????