Originally Posted by blanket
a front loader on an 8N is not the hot setup. Tractor weighs 2200 lbs wet, no power steering, unless you add a front mounted pump driven off the crank you are limited to the gauge tap from the 3 point pump. Basically a 1930's designed garden tractor

Yeh, front loader on a 8N is not a "hot set up", but I did a lot of work with one on the farm before I got a "hot set up" The Wagner loader has a factory front mounted pump. No power steering, but no problem. I found a pair of front tire rims in a bone yard and had a local machine shop cut out the centers and weld to a set of 14" car wheels and put used tires on them. Pulled off the narrow wheels and put them overhead in the shop for the day when I sell the tractor. The setup is flotation rather than the narrow tires digging in and hard to steer with loader weight.

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