Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by cooper57m
Note: No NY State cities on the list and I'm especially shocked that there were none from VT, NH or ME. confused wink
The heavily armed states of Wyoming and Montana weren't there either.

Oh, it has nothing to do with the number of guns (and BTW, NY State folk are more heavily armed than you might think) or the level of gun control (NH and ME have very few gun laws). I just noted it because many have the impression that NY has some very violent or crime-ridden cities. Just wanted to point out that they are no more so (and actually less) than some smaller cities in other States. Though I wouldn't have been shocked if Newburgh NY had made the list. In 2010 their murder rate would have put them in the top ten but it has dropped since then. Though murder rates have dropped, rapes and property crimes are up.

I live in a rural area, in the same county as Newburgh. I had a liberal neighbor who moved from here to Newburgh a few years ago to "live in a more culturally diverse community". Before she left, I told her that if she liked, I could just drive by her house and fire off a couple of shots every now and then. To make our town seem more diverse. She wasn't amused