Originally Posted by saddlegun

I'm supposed to respect this man because he married someone for a lucrative income?

- He had plenty of other choices. He just took the easy one.
- Studied and learned? So what? Why does that merit anyone's respect for living off the public dole?
- Took responsibility? For what?
- Served in the Armed Forces? All Royals do that. Only a few actually place themselves at risk. He never did. His role was symbolic.
- Married a girl he loved? One who just happened to come with a life of luxury and a huge income for very little effort.
- Performed for 70 years as a husband and public figure? I agree that it was a performance, and he was an actor, who was paid "royally" for his role.

Like all Royals, he accomplished nothing more than to be part of an anachronism that served as a tradition and a tourist attraction. It did bring in a lot of money for England though, so he earned his acting stipend I suppose.


You are entitled to your opinion of course.

However, there is almost nothing correct in your post, so you are not really basing your opinion on facts.
