The enemy is actually intending for many people lose all hope and will surrender to what they want you to believe is an inevitable life of submission to their agenda. We have been watching this plan unfold for decades and the enemy is a formidable one that should never be underestimated. There 2 things that I cling to to maintain my sanity.

First, I try to embrace the simple things in life that can bring happiness- a sunrise in the great outdoors, a smile on a kid's face when playing, tossing a ball for a beloved dog, unconditional love of family, hanging out with friends watching some fights over a plate of wings, a freshly washed truck, enjoying a favorite song on the radio etc. Savor those simple moments and allow yourself to remember that life includes things that aren't related to politics and you being a pawn in someone's insidious plan.

Second, I embrace a hate for those people who wish to destroy everything that I cherish. I know that sounds dark, but the alternative is submission to the opposite of liberty and freedom and self determination. I relish in every defeat that my enemy suffers and I do what I can to reveal the truth of the plot to people who seem to have their eyes closed to the obvious reality of what's happening. And I prepare and await my calling when it happens to do my part in the war against evil.

Some people will argue that all we need is faith and eventually God will step in and save us from ourselves. I am a God fearing man but I think we are on our own in this fight. If and when I stand alone and have to answer for my actions, or worse, my inaction, I don't want to have to say that I stood by while evil was allowed to take hold of our blessed country and lives. It is ours to retake or to lose. The decision is ours and ours alone imo.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.