The American Negro really has never had a chance in America. They are not made to do accommodate the Western European/American way of life. When everybody else left Africa and supposedly developed other races the Negro was left behind. And what they did was live as usual from that point forward. There is not a great deal of difference in 2021 Africa and 1621 Africa outside the cities European settlers built. That and the spear has largely been replaced by the AK47 where tribal elders allow. In the outlying areas of Africa where is the initiative to develops natural resources instead of goat herding, wrangling starving cattle, scratching out a garden and heading back to the hut?

That’s all that’s ever shown if shown at all. Argue what you like. There has not been enough evolutionary time to change the Negro way of life or life expectations from what it was in earlier centuries. It’s obvious in the blind tribal attitude exhibited when the gangs of black pillage and burn. When the tribal electors are sent to congress to demand gifts for favor. When they claim no fault in the way they live, procreate, and insist on placing no responsibility on the feral males with no sense of responsibility to family. There have been too many government sponsored improvement programs related to education and housing and nutrition to say the Negro in America is down trodden and ignored. There is a great unwillingness for self improvement and assimilation into a culture that WORKS in the modern world. The American Negro has turned itself, by and large, into an enemy of the American Dream and Way of Life. No sympathy.

And now major corporations are not only accepting this backward way of life but encouraging Caucasians and Asians to be less white. It’ll be a cold day is hell when I accept Negro influence into my life. It is not to be adopted, it is to be discouraged. The co- founder female of BLM is an admitted and proud Marxist as her lesbian companion. They actively promote anti- white attitude. And Walmart prides itself on donating several million dollars to this openly communist inspired, racist organization. Look it up. She brags about it. The NFL adorned themselves with BLM regalia as have NBA and now MLB. We all know what will happen to any capitalist enterprise if Marxism is allowed to take over. It must be defeated and removed from our shores. Our freedoms cannot extend to those who will destroy them. We may as well have given Nazi Germany our Constitutional rights and invited them over.

Signing out.

Last edited by shootem; 04/13/21.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."