Originally Posted by Colorado1135
Originally Posted by Stormin_Norman
Stocks and realestate are in a bubble that will burst and crush a lot of people. The same for crypto. Right now I'm in cash, being patient. When lumber drops I'll build some rentals, or if realestate crashes I'll buy some as long as inflation doesn't kill me first. If the market finally starts rolling over I'll go short in leveraged fund like SQQQ. Be patient, opportunities will come around like always and you will need cash to take advantage of them.

I'm pretty tempted to sell my current house, but renting a place at 2500 a month will get old fast.

Being in cash is the absolute worst place to be, once inflation is realized the value of cash will fall to nothing over night. History has shown this. That is if you're cash is in USD. I wish you the best of luck but I think you're riding for a fall. They aren't making more land but they are printing more money. It's really that simple.

No, the worst thing to do is panic and buy into the top. Buy low and sell high, and be patient in between. There are are chitload of foreclosures coming, and that's what I do really well. This market is abnormal and it isn't going to end well.

"Life is tough, even tougher if your stupid"
John Wayne